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Music and The Mind

By Andy Jiang:

As the famed Spanish author Cervantes once remarked, “he who sings scares away his woes.” The universal language of music has long pervaded history as a powerful means of expression: communicating the broad range of human emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Be it the feeling of romantic sorrow in Kreisler’s Liebesleid, the energetic rush of Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No.5, or the lull and air of Beethoven’s Romance in F, the list goes on and on...and on.

In my own life, I’ve found that the encompassing versatility of music has continually allowed me to find a piece for each mood, time of day, and activity. Currently, in the midst of these unlikely times, I’ve most regularly been listening to calming musical pieces to find much comfort and help find a much-needed sense of normalcy. While keeping busy with my studies, I’ve also found myself both more productive and relaxed when having background (usually classical) music. It seems that such an occurrence isn’t purely anecdotal either. When missing the regular company, words, and jokes of so many of friends and loved ones, a vernacular of notes and rhythm often seems to help greatly. Music certainly isn’t a substitute for human interaction, but if nothing else, it certainly can help your-wellbeing and help to keep you de-stressed -- for each and every mood and (at home) occasion. It seems that “he who sings scares away his woes” stands to be more and more true.

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